Blog guidelines

General Blog Guidelines

Any information or opinion shared or expressed via any PK-Seripros blog are solely those of the author’s. It does not reflect the opinions and beliefs of PK-Seripros, the website, its affiliates or employees.

We accept no liability for the use of blog or our website in general. You use our website, including our blog, at your own risk.

We do not vet the information provided for accuracy or arguments for soundness. However, we encourage peer monitoring of posts and identification of inaccurate information or invalid arguments. Such peer filtering, we hope, will achieve higher quality posts. Please do not engage in misinformation on this website. Such posts when identified will be removed. PK-Seripros reserves the right to remove any post at any time with or without any explanation given.

The use of ad hominem, including the use of abusive or offensive language, instead of addressing salient issues, such as the validity or soundness of a person’s argument, is strictly prohibited.

Medical Blog: Expectations and Guidelines


We hope the PK-Seripros Medical Blog amplifies the multifaceted nature of good healthcare systems. We recognize that healthcare requires an integrated approach of teams. Highly qualified professionals and not so highly skilled individuals collectively take care of the needs of patients. Healthcare workers and nonhealthcare workers manage patients and the physical structure to ensure a well-functioning healthcare facility. Consequently, we welcome the input of not just the medical doctors, nurses, nutritionists, pharmacists, psychologists, physiotherapists, social workers, but also of those less directly engaged in patient management such as those involved in pest control management and disinfection, lawyers, ethicists, laboratory specialists, bioinformaticists or AI specialists where appropriate.


Any information provided in PK-Seripros Medical blog is for education purposes only and must never substitute for the attention: diagnosis, treatment or advice provided by a licensed healthcare professional.

If you intend to engage unauthorized use of the information, advice or opinions given on this website, please stop using it and close it immediately.

We accept no liability for the use of PK-Seripros Medical blog or our website. You use our blog at your own risk.

Avoid using brand names for medication unless you wish to identify a special formulation or it is the general practice in your region of operation.

We do not vet the information provided for accuracy or arguments for soundness. However, we hope that peer monitoring of posts and identification of inaccurate information or invalid arguments will achieve a level of filtering that will result in higher quality posts. Please do not engage in misinformation on this website. Such posts when identified will be removed. PK-Seripros reserves the right to remove any post at any time with or without any explanation given.

Sharing confidential information about patients strictly prohibited.

The use of ad hominem, including the use of abusive or offensive language, instead of addressing salient issues such as the validity or soundness of a person’s argument is strictly prohibited.

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