
Limitation of liability

Any information on “our website”* (PK-Seripros) is for education or entertainment only. It must never substitute for the attention or advice of experts in their field of expertise. It is good practice to consult scientists for scientific information or a licensed healthcare professional for medical matters.

Consequently, do NOT use this website or download and/or use any of the apps developed if you intend to use it for reasons outside of education or entertainment. Furthermore, if you have already downloaded any of our apps for unauthorized use, please delete it at once.

We cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and newness of the information provided by our apps or our website. Hence, users must check and verify any information on our website or in our apps.

We, PK-Seripros, accept no liability for any information or services or products provided. Consequently, you accept that you are using any information, services or products we provide at your own risk.

External links

We are not under any condition liable for content provided by external websites**. These include the following below.

  1. the content of external websites or advertisements presented, linked or embedded, in our website services,
  2. any apps or any other services provided by external websites**.

Copyright and associated issues

The unauthorized use, reproduction, or transfer of any of the content of our website, services, apps or any other services or products that we offer is strictly prohibited under applicable laws.

* our website: this term refers to both the main website as well as any subsites of PK-Seripros.

**external websites: these are websites not owned by PK-Seripros.

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