Estimate Your Required Daily Calorie Intake by Food and Drink for Males

Estimate Your Required Daily Calorie Intake by Food and Drink for Males




Activity Levels Values and Meaning:

1.0: No physical activity while on a 12-hour fast.
1.2 – 1.3: Low – medium activity level.
1.4 – 1.5: Medium activity level.
1.6 – 1.8: Medium – high activity level.
1.9: Extremely high activity level.

(Enter your activity level below)

Activity Level:


DCI Classification:

EDRE: Estimated Daily Requirements of Energy.

The estimated required DCI is a metric used to estimate the body’s daily caloric energy requirement. Your level of activity influences how many kilocalories you should intake. Consuming more calories that required leads to an increase in weight because excess calories are converted to fat, whereas consuming fewer calories than required leads to a decrease in weight. Having a high body fat is associated with metabolic diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus type 2 or metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

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This calculator should never be used as a substitute for care from a licensed healthcare professional. Please exit this page immediately if you intend to use the DCI calculator outside its recommended use.


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