Monitor your Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR) for Women

Monitor your Waist-to-Hip-Ratio (WHR)

Waist/cm or ins:

Hip/cm or ins:


WHR Classification:

The WHR is a metric used to estimate body fat levels. Having a high body fat is associated with metabolic diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus type 2 or metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases. Having a moderate or high WHR is associated with the aforementioned diseases as well as premature death.

Having a muscular abdomen and small hip, or waists with low fat but even smaller hips could make WHR challenging to interpret.

This method should not be used to evaluate risks associated with children and their body fat content.

Despite the challenges, WHR calculation is useful as screening tool and not as a diagnostic tool and is better at quantifying risks associated with body fat content.

We do not store your data nor forward it to other websites.

This calculator should never be used as a substitute for care from a licensed healthcare professional. Please exit this page immediately if you intend to use the WHR calculator outside of its recommended use.

We support limited calorie intake and adequate exercise to foster healthy living.

Limited calories mean 1400 to 1750 kilocalories for females and 1800 to 2200 kilocalories for males, both of average body weight.

Adequate exercise means doing about 3 hours of moderate aerobic exercise divided into 3 – 5 weekly sessions with healthcare advice. We also support twice weekly resistance/weight training for maintaining good WHR.


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